Sunday, July 08, 2012

homemade sunscreen recipe

  • 1/2 cup Avocado oil (has natural SPF)
  • 1/4 cup coconut oil (has natural SPF)
  • 1/4 cup beeswax (adds a bit of waterproofing)
  • 2 tablespoons Cocoa Butter (or shea butter which has natural spf properties) 
  • 2 Tablespoons Zinc Oxide. (This makes an SPF of about 20. More can be added for a higher SPF.)
  • 30 drops of your favorite essential oils (Do NOT use citrus oils) 

  1. In a double boiler, or some home-crafted facsimile, over low heat, melt the beeswax and butters.
  2. Remove from the heat and allow to cool just a bit. (Some microwave, I choose to heat on the stove because I'm never sure what microwaving kills or diminishes)
  3. Add the zinc oxide powder, and essential oils. Note: Be extremely careful not to inhale the powder, use a mask if necessary, inhaling can be dangerous.
  4. Stir until zinc oxide is dissolved.
  5. Pour into whatever chosen container or dispenser you have set aside. Push up containers work well for this recipe but as you see, I chose a small jar for this small batch.
  6. Allow to cool and harden on the counter overnight and then you’re good to go! During times of heavy sun and swim exposure be sure to reapply often for the best coverage.
  7. Left out, this will last about 4 months, if refrigerated, a year. I keep mine in the fridge.